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Modern garden design ideas

Modern garden design has changed dramatically. Even the main elements have been shifted from the plant into the material, as well as functions that can eventually become your place to relax or a garden party in your backyard. Here are steps you can do to create a modern minimalist garden.

  1. Decide whether the park is suitable for your type. The park is suitable for young urban professionals, who seek the park clean and low maintenance costs.
  2. Create an empty space semaksimalmungkin and use an artificial material as the main display in your garden.
  3. Use the same material for furniture and sculpture. Examples use the material or the same color to prevent too much color in your garden.
  4. Use lighting for effect. Maybe with a set of light leads to the patio for the park could be used during the day and night.
  5. Use the element of water to create a soothing atmosphere because of the nature which is identical with cold water.
  6. Professional assistance to the consultation is very important, although the ideas and concepts you are still a major.
  7. Use of industrial elements to create the feel of a minimalist.
Industrial element selalumenciptakan not unfriendly when we use it wisely. Here are examples of elements of industrial and

  • Wood for functional, are like furniture.
  • Iron-shaped wave for the dramatization of space.
  • The panel of glass to play the manipulation of light and space in the park.
  • Use a plant that is easy and inexpensive maintenance and suitable for the climate where you live, if necessary, use a plant that doubles as a fragrant aroma and can repel mosquitoes.
  • The primary key in a minimalist design is symmetrical. Make sure you apply the park this form.

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