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Minimalist Modern House Interior Design

Minimalist Modern House Interior Design - Typical homes have minimal natural lighting sources from windows, doors, transparent walls, shade trees, plants and pavement composition, the right will bring the shadow of the objects of sunlight reflected off the wall as a natural aesthetic separate element. While the game is very artistic lighting lamps, both spotlights, light plant, to the chandelier with geometric forms, will turn on the atmosphere of the evening in a minimalist home
Minimalist house eliminates a lot of saturation on the use of decorative ornaments, knick-knacks accessories. Character and quality of spaces created is determined by the existence of space itself, not by the furniture and knick-knacks accessories in it. Space to be felt relieved as the primary needs of residents, to optimize the circulation of healthy fresh air and abundant sunshine lighting.
Here are some samples We Model Home Interior Design Modern Minimalist Conception:

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